Coexistence of peptides with classical neurotransmitters

In the present article the fact is emphasized that neuropeptides often are located in the same neurons as classical transmitters such as acetylcholine, 5-hydroxy-tryptamine, catecholamines, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) etc. This raises the possibility that neurons produce, store and release more than the one messenger molecule. The exact functional role of such coesisting peptides is often difficult to evaluate, especially in the central nervous system. In the periphery some studies indicate apparently meaningful interactions of different types with the classical transmitter, but other types of actions including trophic effects have been observed. More recently it has been shown that some neurons contain more than one classical transmitter, e.g. 5-HT plus GABA, further underlining the view that transfer of information across synapses may be more compex than perhaps hitherto assumed.