In the Maláiguide Complex (Betic Cordilleras, Spain), dickite is widely developed in clastic Permo-Triassic sequences. The lateral extent stretches at least 300 km along the Betic range, whilst vertical extent is variable and appears limited to the lowest 20–150 m of these sequences. Textural, chemical and crystallochemical characteristics of the dickite, illite/mica and chlorite in dickite-bearing rocks and in the overlying (Permo-Triassic) and underlying (Carboniferous) rocks have been investigated to determine the approximate conditions in which dickite has developed. Using the chlorite geothermometer (based on A1IV contents), temperatures of 146±28°C and 169±12°C have been deduced for two Permo-Triassic members, and 305±12°C for Carboniferous. The Si content in illites has been used as a geobarometer, and pressures of 4.8±2 kbar have been estimated in Carboniferous rocks and tentative pressures of 2.7±3 and 2.1±2 kbar in Permo-Triassic members. Chemical evolution of phyllosilicates is accompanied by increasing illite crystallinity and % 2M1 polytype.