Knowledge Base in Physical Education Teacher Education: A Proposal for a New Era

Physical education in schools is in crisis and, although the causes for this crisis are many, this paper argues that Physical Education Teacher Education's present knowledge base contributes to it because it does not prepare teachers to be transformative agents. This paper proposes an alternative knowledge base to that articulated for PETE by NASPE in 1995 (i.e., Beginning Teacher Standards). Two premises frame this proposal: first, that knowledge is partisan and dynamic and hence must be conceptualized within a multidimensional sociocultural matrix including ethical and political matters. Second, that teachers must be viewed not as technicians merely transmitting their subject matter but as transformative intellectuals able to engage in professional reform. With these two premises in mind, this proposal presents five PETE knowledge areas intended to better prepare novices for teaching in today's and tomorrow's schools and lift physical education out of the crisis