Progressive supranuclear palsy: neuropathologically based diagnostic clinical criteria.

All cases examined postmortem at the Mayo Clinic that met the classic neuropathological criteria for progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) were identified for retrospective clinical analyses. The necropsy material was re-examined by a second neuropathologist to confirm the pathological diagnosis of PSP, yielding 12 cases. A range of clinical signs were documented in these patients, with numerous findings beyond those noted in the original descriptions of this disorder. Atypical clinical findings included absence of supranuclear gaze palsy (two cases), prominent asymmetry (two), arm dystonia (two), upper limb apraxia (two), myoclonus (two), chorea (one), eyelid opening apraxia (one), and respiratory disturbance (one). A definite clinical diagnosis of PSP had been made during life in only eight of the 12 patients. From the retrospective analysis of these 12 cases, a set of clinical criteria were developed for the premortem diagnosis of PSP emphasising differences from other akinetic-rigid disorders.