Surveillance after Curative Resection of Colorectal Cancer

Surgical resection is the primary treatment modality for patients with localized colorectal cancer, but unfortunately one-third to one-half of these patients will develop a recurrence. If detected early, recurrent disease may be amenable to surgical resection and this provides the rationale for a follow-up strategy in patients with resected colorectal cancer. Despite eight published randomized controlled trials and six published systematic reviews evaluating different follow-up strategies, there is still no consensus as to the appropriateness of follow-up in colorectal cancer patients. In the present article the authors explore the reasons behind the controversy and the arguments used to support each side. They outline the current published guidelines and the data to support these recommendations, including the use of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) levels, liver imaging, and colonoscopy. Finally, they speculate on the future developments that may impact on this debate.