Nucleus-nucleus total cross sections for light nuclei at 1.55 and 2.89 GeV/cper nucleon

We have measured total cross sections for protons, dueterons, α particles, and C12 on hydrogen, deuterium, helium, and carbon targets at 1.55 and 2.89 GeV/c nucleon using the "good geometry" transmission method. In addition, we measured the inelastic cross sections and elastic slope parameters for reactions initiated by deuterons, α particles, and C12. Our results are in good agreement with Glauber theory predictions, but the factorization relation σT(AA)=[σT(AB)]2σT(BB) is not a good guide. We find σT144(AT13Ap131.48)2 mb and σIN78(AT13+Ap131.25)2 mb, where AT(Ap) is the atomic mass number of the target (projectile).