Sexual Fantasy and Activity Patterns of Males with Inhibited Sexual Desire and Males with Erectile Dysfunction versus Normal Controls

The fantasy patterns of patients with sexual difficulties have only recently received attention. Research has shown that females with inhibited sexual desire fantasize less than normal controls during foreplay and coitus, masturbation, and general daydreaming. This study is a continuation of the investigation of sexual fantasy and activity patterns and specific sexual dysfunctions. A fantasy questionnaire was completed by 37 men reporting a satisfying sex life and 35 males who came to a sexual dysfunction clinic complaining of either erectile dysfunction or inhibited sexual desire. This study indicates the frequency of sexual fantasy during foreplay and/or coitus, during general daydreaming and during masturbation is significantly less in the inhibited sexual desire males than in the control group and/or the erectile dysfunction group. The erectile dysfunction group and the control group were virtually identical in their frequency of fantasy during foreplay and/or coitus. The content of fantasies in all three groups is similar. The frequency of fantasy during masturbation was greatest in the erectile dysfunction group. The frequency of masturbation was greatest in the inhibited sexual desire males.

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