Level Scheme ofPd99and a possible high-spin cascade inRh99

We have verified that a 493.7-, 911.0-, 879.5-, 648.9-, 805.2-, 264.0-keV γ-ray cascade, produced by both C12+Zr91 and S32+Ge70, occurs in Pd99 by the observation both of coincidences between these γ rays and palladium K x rays and of γ-ray excitation functions. Moreover, this cascade is found to be preceded by a (33.72±0.05)-keV transition. A second γ-ray cascade with side chains also resulting from these bombardments is in addition produced by B10+Zr92. Therefore, this second cascade must occur in a nuclide with Z45 and not in Pd99, as has been proposed by other investigators. Arguments are given in favor of the conjecture that this second γ-ray cascade populates the 4.7-h isomeric state of Rh99.