Virulence of Nosema pyrausta to the European Corn Borer When Used in Combination with Insecticides 123

The virulence of Nosema pyrausta (Paillot) in combination with Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner, carbaryl, and carbofuran in the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner), was studied under field and laboratory conditions. Under field conditions, the percentage of larvae obtaining an infection of N. pyrausta and the intensity (spores/εg larval tissue) of these infections did not differ significantly among the insecticide treatments and the check. Under laboratory conditions, the percentage of larvae obtaining a N. pyrausta infection was not significantly different among treatments, suggesting that at the rates tested, insecticides used in this study do not affect the percentage of larvae obtaining a N. pyrausta infection. However, the intensity of N. pyrausta infection was affected by insecticides under the conditions of the experiment.