Camera for imaging hard x rays from suprathermal electrons during lower hybrid current drive on PBX-M

During lower hybrid current drive on tokamaks, suprathermal electrons are generated that emit hard x‐ray bremsstrahlung. A pinhole camera has been installed on the PBX‐M tokamak that records 128×128 pixel images of the hard x‐ray plasma bremsstrahlung emitted in the 30–200 keV photon energy range. The camera has a temporal resolution of 3 ms and a spatial resolution of 3–4 cm in the plasma. The detector is a 230‐mm‐diam hard x‐ray image intensifier. This instrument has identified hollow radiation profiles on PBX‐M, indicating off‐axis current drive. A detailed account of the construction of the hard x‐ray camera, its operation, and its performance is given.