Epidemiology of Gastric Cancer in Chile. III. Diagnostic Practices in Santiago, 1976–8

Armijo R [Division of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90024 (USA)], Sayre J, and Llavina de Navarro R. The epidemiology of gastric cancer in Chile. III. Diagnostic practices in Santiago, Chile, 1976–8. International Journal of Epidemiology 1982; 11:323–328. The purpose of this paper is to estimate the validity of current diagnostic procedures used in Santiago, Chile, in identifying gastric cancer (GC) patients among people with gastric complaints, many of whom suffer possible premalignant conditions. Review of diagnoses on 2296 patients seen at the University Hospital during 1976 and 1977 revealed 103 confirmed cases of adenocarcinoma. This review permitted us to estimate the validity of clinical/radiological and endoscopic methods versus diagnosis made from pathological specimens. A code of diagnostic categories was generated for application in eight hospitals participating in a subsequent case-control study of GC. A high prevalence of chronic atrophic gastritic (CAG) and chronic gastric ulcer (CGU) was found, both conditions together accounting for 50% of diagnoses on 845 clinic controls during the study period 1977–8. The value of gastroscopy and biopsy to separate out GC from other gastric conditions, the importance of studying the epidemiology of premalignant conditions in Chile, and differences between GC in Chile and the United States are discussed.

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