Perceived Adequacy of Instrumental Assistance

Beginning with the premise that cue recipients' perceptions of inadequate help may have long-tem negative consequences, this study examined whether seniors' perceptions related to patterns of well-being over a 12-year period. Patterns of change in physical health (i.e., number of chronic health conditions, self-rated health), psychological well-being (i.e., life satisfaction), and independence (i.e., functional and instrumental) were compared for older men and women who initially reported that their level of IADL assistance was either adequate or inadequate. Seniors who perceived their support as inadequate experienced more severe losses of independence. This was true for both men and women with respect to their ability to independently conduct instrumental ADLs. With respect to the ability to independently conduct functional that is, basic ADLs, it was true only for women. These findings may imply that perceptions of support inadequacy have a more detrimental effect for women than for men.