Training the care giver benefits the patient, the care giver, and the community At any time, about 0.5% of the population of the United Kingdom (250 000 out of 50 million) are disabled stroke survivors who are dependent on the help of a carer to perform community based activities (for example, shopping), domestic activities (housework), and personal activities of daily living (mobilising, toileting, bathing, dressing, grooming, and feeding).1 This year, at least another 0.07% (35 000) of the UK population will become disabled stroke survivors seeking full time or part time care.2 3 Such care is generally provided in a nursing home, hostel, or the home of the patient or carer, often after a period of care and rehabilitation in hospital. Additional formal support may sometimes be forthcoming from community nursing services and allied health and social services. But the onus of caring for such patients at home usually falls on one or more informal care givers, who are often family members (usually spouses …