Assessment of Blood Flow in the Small Intestine with Laser Doppler Flowmetry

Ahn H, Lindhagen J, Nilsson GE, Oberg PA, Lundgren O. Assessment of blood flow in the small intestine with laser Doppler flowmetry. Scand J Gastroenterol 1986, 21, 863-870 Blood flow in the small intestine was assessed in 48 patients by laser Doppler flowmetry. Mucosal and serosal flowmeter signals were compared during ‘resting’ conditions, vascular occlusion, and reactive hyperemia. Serosal flowmeter recordings were compared with the total blood flow of a bowel segment as measured by venous collection. The magnitudes of the mucosal (n = 49) and serosal (n = 49) flowmeter signals were comparable throughout the whole range of flowmeter signals (r = 0.97; p < 0.001). A correlation coefficient of 0.95 (n = 51 p < 0.001) was obtained between serosal flowmeter signals and total blood flow during ‘resting’ and reduced blood flows. During vasodilatation after a vascular occlusion, blood flow was underestimated by the flowmeter. A calibration curve could be constructed for approximate interpretation of the flowmeter signals in absolute flow units. The present study underlines the potential of laser Doppler flowmetry in the assessment of blood flow in the human small intestine.