The Trigeminal, Facial, Vagal, and Glossopharyngeal Nerves in the Monkey

STUDIES of the central connections of the afferents of cranial nerves V, VII, IX, and X in man and other primates have yet to yield the detailed knowledge which has developed for the lower mammalian brain stem. This is not only due to the limited histologic opportunity which human material permits but also to dependence of most primate studies on the Marchi method which is unreliable for tracing the course of nonmyelinated fibers. This study was undertaken in the monkey with the hope of filling in detail comparable to that now available for the lower vertebrate and lesser mammalian brain stem. The Nauta-Gygax technique was selected because it demonstrates degenerating nonmyelinated as well as myelinated axons and because it had not been used to trace the entering afferents of VII, IX and X in the monkey. Study of the central connections of cranial V was not a part of