Adaptive Behavior: Concurrent Validity

The concurrent validity of adaptive behavior was investigated for educable mentally retarded (EMR) and slow learners (SL). Fifty-seven EMR (N = 36) and SL (N = 21) children completed the Children's Adaptive Behavior Scale (CABS) while teachers and parents completed the Adaptive Behavior Scale-School Edition (ABS-SE) and the Adaptive Behavior Inventory for Children (ABIC). Moderate correlations were found between the ABIC and CABS when total mean scores were compared to the Comparison Score on ABS-SE. Part 1 of the ABS-SE tends to have higher and more consistent correlations (convergent validity) with the ABIC and CABS than does Part 2 of the ABS-SE (discriminant validity). The CABS and ABIG were found to be closely related. Implications of the findings in terms of assessment are discussed.