Serum and colostrum antibody to Pasteurella species in dairy cattle

SUMMARY: A survey of antibody to Pasteurella haemolytica and P multocida, using a fluorometric immunoassay, was conducted on sera collected from 264 dairy cattle from 3 herds. Serum antibody titers to P haemolytica were 0 to 270 with low titers (< 25) seen in 48.1% of the cows and heifers. Serum antibody titers to P multocida were 0 to 380 and the frequency of distribution of these titers were more even than for P haemolytica. Mean serum antibody titers to P haemolytica were significantly (P < 0.005) higher in cattle from an open dairy herd when compared with those from 2 closed herds. Antibody titers to these organisms was determined in 7 colostrum samples. Pasteurella haemolytica antibody titers varied, depending on the whey separation technique used. Passive transfer of colostrum-derived antibody in 5 neonatal calves resulted in a maximum mean serum antibody titer at 20 hours after birth for P haemolytica and at 8 hours after birth for P multocida. Serum titers were higher overall for P multocida than for P haemolytica. Serum titers for P haemolytica declined rapidly. A significant (P < 0.05) increase in antibody to P multocida was observed at 5 days of age.