We have isolated short tandem repeat arrays from the human genome, using a rapid method involving filter hybridization to enrich for tri- or tetranucleotlde tandem repeats. About 30% of clones from the enriched library cross-hybridize with probes containing trimeric or tetrameric tandem arrays, facilitating the rapid isolation of large numbers of clones. In an Initial analysis of 54 clones, 46 different tandem arrays were Identified. Analysis of these tandem repeat loci by PCR showed that 24 were polymorphic in length; substantially higher levels of polymorphism were displayed by the tetrameric repeat loci isolated than by the trimeric repeats. Primary mapping of these loci by linkage analysis showed that they derive from 17 chromosomes, Including the X chromosome. We anticipate the use of this strategy for the efficient Isolation of tandem repeats from other sources of genomlc DNA, Including DNA from flow-sorted chromosomes, and from other species.