Oligomerization and the Sensitivity of Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase to Inactivation by Proteinases

Phosphenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxylase from leaves of Crassula argentea displays varying levels of sensitivity to inactivation by various proteolytic enzymes. In general, the native enzyme is sensitive to proteinases known to attack at the carbonyl end of lysine or arginine (trypsin, papain, or bromelanin). The ineffective proteolytic enzymes are those which have low specificity or which attack at the N-terminal end of hydrophobic amino acids, or which cannot attack lysine. The lack of an effect of endoproteinase arginine C, which is specific for arginine, probably indicates that lysine is the critical residue. When the native enzyme, which is comprised of an equilibrium of dimers with tetramers in approximately equal quantities, is treated by preincubation with 5 millimolar PEP, the enzyme becomes much more resistant to proteolytic inactivation. When the preincubation is with 5 millimolar malate rather than buffer alone, the effects is to slightly increase (ca. 15%) the sensitivity of the enzyme to inactivation by trypsin as measured by estimates of the pseudo-first order rate constant for inactivation. PEP carboxylase from corn leaves appears to be relatively susceptible to inactivation by trypsin, but is unaffected by preincubation with malate or PEP. The sensitivity of this C4 enzyme to inhibition by malate is also unaffected by preincubation with these ligands.