The bone marrow biopsy, osteoscan, and peripheral blood in non-hematopoietic cancer

Bone marrow biopsies were obtained from the iliac crests of 101 male patients with unresectable cancers of non-hematopoietic origin. Tumor cells were identified in 31% of the biopsies. Bone scintophotography studies were performed on 67 patients with positive or suspicious scans reported in 67%. Abnormal peripheral blood smears were encountered in 51% of 100 patients. Histologically established marrow metastases associated with a positive osteoscan and an abnormal peripheral smear occurred in 8% of the patients. The association of either one of the latter two with a positive histologic specimen was observed in about one-half of the patients. The significance of these associations is discussed. Cancer 40: 836–840, 1977.