Cellular Li+ opens paracellular path in toad skin: Amiloride blockable effect

The presence of Li in the solution bathing the outer surface of toad skin under short-circuit condition promotes an unspecific permeability increase characterized by a delayed and progressive increase in the effluxes of24Na,42K and14C sucrose. The effect of Li upon sucrose permeability might indicate an increased permeability of the paracellular pathway. The Li effect is mediated by an intracellular action since blockade of Li entrance into the cell compartment by amiloride prevents the increase in Na, K and sucrose permeability. A possible mechanism of this effect is discussed in terms of a disturbance in the cellular Ca++ balance leading to an increase in cytosolic Ca++ concentration which perturbs the organization of the cytoskeleton and the interplay between cytoskeleton and tight junctions.