Assessment of binge eating in overweight youth using a questionnaire version of the child eating disorder examination with instructions

Objective: Existing self‐report methods for assessing eating disorder (ED) symptoms in youth do not adequately measure binge eating and lack sufficient psychometric support. The Youth Eating Disorder Examination‐Questionnaire (YEDE‐Q), a self‐report version of the Child Eating Disorder Examination (ChEDE), was designed to assess the spectrum of ED psychopathology in youth. Method: The YEDE‐Q was compared to the ChEDE and the Questionnaire for Eating and Weight Patterns‐Adolescent version (QEWP‐A) in a sample of 35 overweight adolescents aged 12–17. Results: The YEDE‐Q showed significant agreement (ps < .001) with the ChEDE on all four subscale scores, the global score, and measurement of objective bulimic episodes. The YEDE‐Q and the QEWP‐A showed significant agreement (ps < .001) on the measurement of shape and weight concerns. Conclusion: The YEDE‐Q appears promising in the assessment of eating‐related pathology in overweight adolescents, but remains in need of validation in children and ED populations. © 2007 by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Eat Disord 2007