Westlund, K. (Univ. of Tromsö, 9010 Åsgård Sykehus, Norway). Urolithiasis and coronary heart disease: A note on association. Am J Epidemiol 97: 167–172, 1973.—The incidence of myocardial infarction was investigated in male urolithiasis patients and found to be close to expectation. The distribution of risk variables was examined for men who had a diagnosis of urolithiasis made in the course of two prospective studies primarily directed towards coronary heart disease. Serum cholesterol was found to be slightly higher for the men who had urolithiasis than for other men, corresponding to a 20 per cent excess risk. Cigarettes, blood pressure, and weight/height showed no significant association with urolithiasis incidence. The incidence of urolithiasis declined with increasing age in men above the age of 40.