The accumulation and isolation of coniferin from a high-producing cell suspension of Linum flavum L.

Cell suspensions of Linum flavum L. contained large amounts (2 g·l−1) of the glucoside coniferin which was accumulated endogenously up to 12.4% on a dryweight basis. Callus material contained 5.6%, while in leaves of in-vitro-grown plantlets, the origin of the callus and suspension cultures, no coniferin could be detected. Leaf, callus and suspension material were compared for metabolite accumulation and associated enzyme activities. High coniferin contents corresponded with low 5-methoxypodophyllotoxin levels. A reciprocal relationship between β-glucosidase (E.C. activity and coniferin accumulation was found. No relationship between peroxidase (E.C. activity and coniferin accumulation or 5-methoxypodophyllotoxin could be demonstrated. Finally, a rapid and effective isolation procedure for coniferin was developed.