Mapping the Drosophila Genome with Yeast Artificial Chromosomes

The ability to clone large fragments of DNA in yeast artificial chromosomes (YAC's) has created the possibility of obtaining global physical maps of complex genomes. For this application to be feasible, most sequences in complex genomes must be able to be cloned in YAC's, and most clones must be genetically stable and colinear with the genomic sequences from which they originated (that is, not liable to undergo rearrangement). These requirements have been met with a YAC library containing DNA fragments from Drosophila melanogaster ranging in size up to several hundred kilobase pairs. Preliminary characterization of the Drosophila YAC library was carried out by in situ hybridization of random clones and analysis of clones containing known sequences. The results suggest that most euchromatic sequences can be cloned. The library also contains clones in which the inserted DNA is derived from the centromeric heterochromatin. The locations of 58 clones collectively representing about 8 percent of the euchromatic genome are presented.