Magnetic phase diagram of Fe80xNixCr20 (10x30) alloys

Detailed magnetic measurements and a few neutron-diffraction experiments were performed on polycrystalline Fe80xNixCr20 alloys, with x=30,26,23,21,19,17,14, and 10. All the alloys are fcc except the one with x=10, which is a mixture of fcc and bcc phases. The system is ferromagnetic for x=30. The alloys with x=26 and 23 make transitions from a ferromagnetic to a Gabay-Toulouse ferromagnetic—spin-glass mixed phase at a lower temperature. Clear evidence of the presence of a spontaneous ferromagnetic bulk magnetization in this mixed phase supports recent theories predicting Z ferromagnetism and XY spin-glass freezing. For x=21 and 19 there is a spin-glass phase in low fields with some evidence of a field-induced ferromagnetism at high fields. Long-range antiferromagnetism takes over for the alloys with x=17,14, and 10. This sequence of compositional phase transition is due to competing ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic interactions present in this system.