Medical Evaluation of Nutritional Status: V. Prevalence of Deficiency Diseases in Their Subclinical Stage

Two groups of high school students from low and high income families and an adult group of WPA employees were examined in respect to 4 indications, avitaminosis A, ariboflavinosis, Hb blood levels and ascorbic acid level. Prevalence of deficiencies was more frequently found in the low income groups and except for low Hb values more frequently in [male][male] than in [female][female]. Many had multiple deficiencies. The adult group was much more seriously deficient in vit. A, showed about half as many deficient in riboflavin as in the low income high school group, low Hb levels were somewhat more prevalent than in either school group and low ascorbic acid levels were more often observed in [male][male] than in [female][female].