Autoradiographic Analysis of [3H]Imipramine Binding in the Human Brain Postmortem: Effects of Age and Alcohol

In vitro quantitative autoradiography of high‐affinity [3H]imipramine binding sites was performed on 16 human brains postmortem. The densities of binding sites were highest in the hypothalamus. Next, in descending order, were the basal and lateral nuclei of the amygdala; substantia innominata; insular cortex; the central nucleus of the amygdala; the anterior nucleus of the thalamus; the head of the caudate nucleus; portions of the frontal, parietal, and temporal cortex; claustrum; the granular layer of the dentate gyrus; substantia nigra; the pyramidal layer of CA fields; globus pallidus; red nucleus; and white matter. Imipramine binding was found to increase with age in a region‐specific manner. The presence of alcohol had a similar effect, which was most pronounced in the hippocampus. Sex and time from death to autopsy did not affect imipramine binding, in our sample.