Evaluation of Micro-Media Quad Panels for identification of the Enterobacteriaceae

The Micro-Media Quad Enteric Panel and coding system were evaluated by comparing the identifications of 193 stock and 216 clinical isolates representing 31 spp. of Enterobacteriaceae with those provided by conventional methods. The results corresponded for 91% of the organisms if only the single or most probable identification was accepted and for 93% if the correct identification was listed as 1 of several possible, but not the most probable, identification by the coding system. With 73% of the isolates, the single identification provided by the coding system was correct, and in 20% of instances the correct identification was listed as the 1st of several choices in descending order of probability but requiring additional tests for differentiation. In most of the latter instances, these additional tests consisted of serological confirmation of salmonellae or shigellae. Discrepancies consisted of incorrect identifications (4%) and organisms with code numbers not appearing in the coding system (3%).