Myxosoma cerebralis: Inactivation of Spores by Hot Smoking of Infected Trout

Rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) and brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) with clinical whirling disease, which is caused by M. cerebratis was processed in 1 of the following ways: iced, iced and brined, or iced, brined and hot smoked at C for 40 min. Skeletal elements of each group were added to tanks containing soil samples from an aquatic environment free of M. cerebralis and aged for 4 mo. at C. Following this, susceptible rainbow trout fry were assayed for infectivity by being held for 3 mo. in the tanks of aquatic soil and skeletal elements. The fry were then examined for M. cerebralis spores. Spores were found in the fry from tanks that received iced and iced and brined samples, but not in fry from the tanks containing hot smoked tissue, healthy tissue or no tissue, the last 2 being negative controls.