Assessment of Tumour-infiltrating Lymphocytes, Regional Lymph Node Lymphocytes and Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes and their Reaction to Interferon-gamma in Patients with Renal Carcinoma

The immunological distribution of tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL), regional lymph node lymphocytes (RLNL) and peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) was evaluated by means of immunohistochemical staining using monoclonal antibodies of each subset of lymphocytes (stored in frozen sections) in a series of 22 patients with renal carcinoma. The immunological effect of IFN (interferon)-gamma on these immunocompetent cells was also investigated. The effect of IFN-gamma on TIL was an increase in CD3 (pan-T cells), especially an increase in CD8 (cytotoxic/suppressor-T cells). When examining these cells according to stage and grade, a marked increase in CD3 was found in low stage and low grade patients. With regard to RLNL, there was a tendency towards a decrease in CD3 and an increase in CD20 (B-cells) following the administration of IFN-gamma. No specific effect on stage and grade was observed apart from a reduction in T cell subset ratios in high grade patients. With regard to PBL, no specific trend was noted except for an increase in CD16 (NK cells) when IFN-gamma was administered.