High resolution L2,3M2,3M2,3 Auger electron spectra of argon

Auger spectra of Ar(L2,3M2,3M2,3) excited by 860 eV electrons were measured by a high resolution and variable angle electron spectrometer. At larger angles, the present spectra agreed with the measurements by Siegbahn et al and Mehlhorn et al, whereas at smaller angles, four extra peaks were discovered. The level width of the L2 was found to be equal to that of the L3 which was 0.10+or-0.02 eV on the basis of the line width measurements of each peak at the highest resolution (40 meV) of the spectrometer. The transition probability of Ar L2,3M2,3M2,3 (1D2) was estimated as (1.5+or-0.3)*1014s-1, which coincided with Rubenstein's calculation.

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