FDTD simulations of Clini-Therm applicators on inhomogeneous planar tissue models

A finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) algorithm was used to compute SAR distributions in planar fat-muscle phantom exposed to the Clini-Therm microwave applicators. The models consisted of a 30 X 30 X 7.5 cm phantom and a 15 X 15 cm, 10 X 10 cm or 7.5 X 7.5 cm aperture dielectric slab loaded applicator. The phantom was either filled with muscle material or with 1.0 cm fat on 6.5 cm muscle. A mineral oil bolus was placed on the fat-muscle model with its integrated water channels parallel to the electric or magnetic field. The FDTD resolution was 3 mm and the applicators were excited with a Gaussian pulse. The computations required 6000-8000 time steps to reach steady state, with 45-48 Mwords on a Cray Y-MP C-90 in 1000-1200 CPU seconds. The electric field components at 915 MHz were obtained by summing the Fourier coefficients at each grid point during each time step and SAR was determined. The results were qualitatively compared to existing and published thermographic heating patterns with good agreement. The computed electric field distributions had provided a three dimensional view into the problem space to investigate and understand wave propagation phenomena in complex inhomogeneous configurations that were not feasible with experimental models.