Day case laparoscopy: a survey of postoperative pain and an assessment of the value of diclofenac

A randomised, controlled study was undertaken to assess the postoperative pain and side effects experienced by patients undergoing day case diagnostic laparoscopy and laparoscopic sterilisation, and to evaluate the effectiveness in these patients of peroperative diclofenac. Patients undergoing laparoscopic sterilisation had significantly higher pain scores at one hour postoperatively, and at discharge, than patients undergoing diagnostic laparoscopy (p less than 0.01) but there were no significant differences in pain scores 24 hours after discharge. The incidence of postoperative side effects following discharge from hospital was high, but there were no significant differences between the groups. Diclofenac had no significant effect in either group on the severity of postoperative pain, or the incidence of postoperative side effects.