Streamlined Approach to the Crude Compound Purification to Assay Process

Purification of medicinal chemistry compounds is often the slow step in the drug‐discovery process, particularly for compounds generated through parallel synthesis. To address this bottleneck we have developed a fully automated purification platform using a preparative‐LC/MS with a customized compound analysis requestor and a data tracking‐handling program. The six workstations that comprise the platform are an 8‐channel MUX, a mass‐directed Prep‐LC/MS, a liquid handling system, a balance automator, an evaporation system, and a central PC that runs the core program. The first step involved in the library purification, following the electronic submission of the dry crude synthetic material submitted in a barcoded plate, consists of automatic dissolution of the material and transfer of an aliquot for pre‐purification QC. Subsequent steps involve generation of a sequence list consisting of the methods for the analysis and processing, automatic generation of a sequence of the confirmed wells for LC/MS purification, evaporation, fraction dissolution and pooling, automatic weighing, and calculation of the amount needed to make a specified concentration. The final step involves compound distribution into a solubilization tube for the biochemical assay and plates for post‐purification QC by LC/MS and NMR. Functions incorporated into the core program were written in CSharp (C#) and Microsoft.NET to create a sample sequence list, annotate wells, track purification status, and to enable on‐line retrieval of pre‐ and post‐purification data. This platform enables a complete informatics solution from crude compound in a plate to purified compound ready for storage and assay. The processes and results for compounds purified at the multi‐milligram level by automated Prep‐LC/MS will be described.

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