The following is a unique instance of the occurrence of chronic dermatitis and respiratory symptoms due to external contact with the arsphenamins. REPORT OF A CASE History.— Dr. B., a physician, had complained for the last eight months of chronic dermatitis of the hands. An erythematous scaly eruption was present with fissuring involving the index and second fingers of the right hand and index and second and third fingers of the left hand. The involved areas itched, as did also the hands and fingers on which there was no cutaneous manifestation. At times an eczematoid eruption appeared on the face. The patient said that the dermatitis might possibly be due to contact with neo-arsphenamin since he noticed the eruption was aggravated after administering this drug. His suspicions were substantiated by the observation that when opening an ampule of neo-arsphenamin and dissolving it, he frequently sneezed, coughed and was conscious of