Emotional Deprivation and Growth Retardation Simulating Idiopathic Hypopituitarism

A DETAILED clinical account of 13 children with emotional deprivation and growth retardation simulating idiopathic hypopituitarism was presented in the preceding paper.1 All the children grew at remarkable rates when removed from their home environment. The present paper reports the endocrinologic evaluation of these children before and after a period of rapid growth.MethodsThyroid and Thyrotropic HormoneThyroid hormone and thyrotropic hormone (TSH) were evaluated by measurement of the protein-bound iodine (PBI)∥ concentration in the serum (normal, 4 to 8 μg. per 100 ml.)∥ and thyroxine (T4∥) by column or butanol extractable iodine (BEI)∥ (normal, 3.2 to . . .