Pigeons were trained on matching-to-sample (MTS) with differential sample-response requirements that were identical with respect to two pairs of sample stimuli but were either correlated or uncorrelated with correct choice. Experiment 1A showed that birds in the uncorrelated condition were slower to reach criterion levels of accuracy than birds in the correlated condition in spite of their equivalent sample discriminations. However, correlated birds were more disrupted in their matching performances than the uncorrelated birds when subsequently switched to nondifferential sample-response requirements (Experiment 1B). Experiment 2 showed that differential samples behaviors also generated higher levels of accuracy of delayed MTS when correlated with choice, and that accuracy in this condition did not differ as a function of whether the samples were hues or lines. Sample dimension did affect memory performance, on the other hand, in the uncorrelated conditions. In Experiment 3, reversing differential sample-response requirements for one pair of samples substantially reduced matching accuracy in the correlated group but had almost no effect in the uncorrelated group. These findings demonstrate that differential sample behaviors directly control pigeon''s matching performances and also overshadow conditional stimulus control by the samples when these behaviors are predictive of correct choice. The facilitation in matching produced by differential sample behaviors apparently arises from the additional cue these behaviors provide, not because they enhanced sample discriminability.