THROMBOTIC obliteration of the aortic bifurcation has until recent years been considered a rare occurrence, and when it has been diagnosed the prognosis has been viewed with pessimism. Leriche in 19401aroused interest in this condition by publishing his observations on a number of patients who presented the typical symptoms and clinical features of what he termed "le syndrome de l'oblitération termino-aortique par artérite." Since then an increasing number of reports on patients with thrombosis of the terminal aorta have appeared (Elkin and Cooper,2Milanes, Perez-Stable, and Lastra,3Ortner and Griswold4and others5), and although not common this condition can hardly still be considered a rarity. Further, if the diagnosis is made early enough and proper treatment instituted forthwith, the prognosis is moderately good. Thrombosis of the terminal aorta as described here is a condition which begins insidiously and progresses for a considerable time unnoticed,

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