A Long-Lasting Polyacetylene Battery with High Energy Density

An n-(CH)/LiClO4/p-(CH) battery (1.0 M LiClO4 in propylene carbonate) prepared by passing 2.14 C (dopant concentration y=0.072) exhibited an open-circuit voltage of 3.5 V and an initial short-circuit current of 28 mA ((CH)x electrode; ∼4 mg). Experimental energy density of 424 W-hr/Kg (at a stored charge of 10.8 C (y=0.364), a liberated charge of 4.52 C and a mean voltage of 2.7 V) was obtained based on the weight of the (CH) x film (both electrodes; ∼8 mg). No degradation of the polyacetylene battery was observed even after 2000 successive charge/discharge cycles, each cycle consisting of a 10 min discharge at a constant resistance of 50 kΩ and a 10 min charge at 0.1 mA (a stored charge of 0.06 C (y=0.002)).

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