Lambda red-mediated synthesis of plasmid linear multimers in Escherichia coli K12

Expression of the red + and gam + genes of bacteriophage λ in plasmids cloned in Escherichia coli wild-type cells leads to plasmid linear multimer (PLM) formation. In mutants that lack exonuclease I (sbcB sbcC), either of these λ functions mediates PLM formation. In order to determine whether PLM formation in sbcB sbcC mutants occurs by conservative (break-join) recombination of circular plasmids or by de novo DNA synthesis, thyA sbcB sbcC mutants were transferred from thymine- to 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine (BUDR)-supplemented medium, concurrently with induction of red + or gam + expression, and the density distribution of plasmid molecular species was analyzed. After a period of less than one generation in the BUDR-supplemented medium, most PLM were of heavy/heavy density. Circular plasmids, as well as chromosomal DNA, were of light/light or light/heavy density. These results indicate that Red or Gam activities mediate de novo synthesis of PLM in sbcB sbcC mutants. Examination of plasmid DNA preparations from sbcB sbcC mutants expressing gam + or red + reveals the presence of two molecular species that may represent intermediates in the PLM biosynthesis pathway: single-branched circles (σ-structures) and PLM with single-stranded DNA tails. While Gam-mediated PLM synthesis in sbcB mutants depends on the activity of the RecF pathway genes, Red-mediated PLM synthesis, like Red-mediated recombination, is independent of recA and recF activities. One of the red + products, β protein, suppresses RecA deficiency in plasmid recombination and PLM synthesis in RecBCD Exol cells. The dependence of PLM synthesis on the RecE, RecF or Red recombination pathways and the dependence of plasmid recombination by these pathways on activities that are required for plasmid replication support the proposal that PLM synthesis and recombination by these pathways are mutually dependent. We propose the hypothesis that DNA double-stranded ends, which are produced in the process of PLM synthesis, are involved in plasmid recombination by the RecE, RecF and Red pathways. Conversely, recombination-dependent priming of DNA synthesis at 3′ singles-tranded DNA ends is hypothesized to initiate PLM synthesis on circular plasmid DNA templates.