On the importance of GABA-ergic neurons for the AOAA induced accumulation of GABA in the rat brain

The accumulation of GABA induced by an intravenous injection of aminooxyacetic acid (AOAA) was followed for 1 h in five parts of the rat brain, i.e. cerebellum, medulla oblongata-pons, striatum, ventral mesencephalon and hypothalamus. The accumulation was similar in all brain parts studied when expressed as percentual increase from the basal value; an initial rapid accumulation indicating a mean turnovertime of 12–16 min during the first 5 min was gradually decreased to a turnovertime of about 1–3 h during the last 30 min of observation. In other experiments brains were transected unilaterally between the substantia nigra and the striatum. Six days after the hemisection the GABA concentration of the substantia nigra of the transected side had decreased to less than 30% of the control side. The AOAA induced accumulation of GABA in the substantia nigra of the transected side was less pronounced than that of the control side. The initial rapid accumulation seen in all brain parts studies was completely lacking in the substantia nigra of the transected side. In the striatum, the transection did neither alter the GABA concentration nor the AOAA induced accumulation of GABA. As the initial rapid accumulation of GABA disappears after degeneration of GABA-ergic neurons, it is suggested that this initial phase of GABA accumulation produced by an intravenous injection of AOAA probably is the result of GABA accumulating in neurons.