Ripening of the Uterine Cervix and Induction of Labour at Term with Prostaglandin E2 in Viscous Gel

In order to achieve ripening of the uterine cervix or induce labour in patients at term with an unfavourable cervical state, 1 mg of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), suspended in a viscous gel, was instilled into the cervical canal. In a pilot study, 41 patients received the PGE2‐gel. Twentythree of these, (56%), went into labour, and delivery occurred without further stimulation within 15 hours. In the remaining 18 patients, there was a marked improvement of the cervical state, which changed from an average (modified) Bishop score of 2.5 to 6.1 within 24 hours. In a double‐blind study comprising 20 nulliparae, 10 received gel containing PGE2 and 10 gel without prostaglandin. Cervical state did not change significantly (Bishop score 3.6 and 4.0) after 24 hours in patients receiving placebo gel. In those receiving PGE2 gel, 8 went into labour and were delivered without further induction within 13 hours. Two patients showed an increase in Bishop score from 3 to 6 and 7, respectively, after 24 hours. They were then induced by oxytocin and delivery occurred after 8 and 10 hours. The results suggest that administration of PGE2 intracervically can induce ripening of the cervix in patients at term with an unfavourable cervical state, and thus facilitate delivery.