Identification of N-3-hydroxypropionyl-2-O-methyl-D-perosamine as a specific constituent of the lipopolysaccharide from Vibrio bio-serogroup 1875 which has Ogawa antigen factor B of Vibrio cholerae O1

A marine vibrio, designated Vibrio bio-serogroup 1875 Original (1875 Original), has both the Ogawa antigen factor B and the Inaba antigen factor C of Vibrio cholerae 01, in addition to its own O antigen factor. Its variant strain (1875 Variant) has the Inaba antigen factor C. The O polysaccharide chain (O-chain) of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) isolated from this vibrio has been shown to consist of an ↬ (1 2)-linked homopolymer of N-3-hydroxypropionyl-D-perosamine. The present structural study revealed the presence of N-3-hydroxypropionyl-2- O-methyl-D-perosamine at the non-reducing terminus of the O-chain from the LPS of 1875 Original but not from that of the 1875 Variant. Since 2- O-methyl-D-perosamine is known as an Ogawa-specific constituent of the O-chain from V. cholerae O1 Ogawa O form, it appears that the presence of 2-O-methyl-D-perosamine at the non-reducing terminus of the ↬ (1 2)-linked D-perosamine homopolymer that forms the O-chain is responsible for the expression of the serological specificity of the Ogawa antigen factor B of 1875 Original.

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