Effects Of Ozone-Hydrogen Peroxide Combination On The Formation Of Biodegradable Dissolved Organic Carbon

The effects of ozone and ozone/hydrogen peroxide on BDOC formation were studied with the “Ozotest” method, a laboratory technique that permits the assessment of oxidation efficiency. Oxidation treatments were performed on river water and sand filter effluent samples. Ozone consumption, reduction of UV absorbance, and BDOC formation were monitored during the experiments. The ratio of 0.35-0.45 mg H2O2 per mg O3 used to degrade pesticides also was optimal for the oxidation of organic matter. BDOC formation versus ozone dose curves with ozone alone or ozone/peroxide system were similar. BDOC formation was optimum at an applied ozone dose of 0.5-1 mg O3/mg C (contact time = 10 min). The ozone/peroxide system yielded lower BDOC values than ozone alone, a phenomenon related to differences in byproducts generated by the two oxidative systems. Moreover, reduction of the concentration of DOC was higher with ozone/hydrogen peroxide than with ozone alone. For both oxidant systems, BDOC formation occurred during the first minute of treatment.