The exact parity symmetric model and big bang nucleosynthesis

The assumption of exact, unbroken parity symmetry leads directly to a simple predictive resolution of the atmospheric and solar neutrino puzzles. This is because the existence of this symmetry implies the existence of a set of mirror neutrinos which must mix maximally with the known neutrinos if neutrinos have mass. The maximal mixing of the electron neutrino with the mirror electron neutrino with $3 \times 10^{-10} eV^2 < |\delta m^2| < 10^{-3} eV^2$ eads to a predicted reduction of the solar neutrino flux by a factor of 2, which is in quite good agreement with the experiments. The maximal mixing of the muon neutrino with the mirror muon neutrino with $|\delta m^2| \simeq 10^{-2} eV^2$ also solves the atmospheric neutrino puzzle. We show that there is a significant range of parameters where these solutions are not in conflict with standard Big Bang Nucleosynthesis when the creation of lepton asymmetry due to neutrino oscillations is taken into account.

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