Differential Incorporation of Ara-C, Gemcitabine, and Fludarabine Into Replicating and Repairing DNA in Proliferating Human Leukemia Cells

The major actions of nucleoside analogs such as arabinosylcytosine (ara-C) and fludarabine occurs after their incorporation into DNA, during either replication or repair synthesis. The metabolic salvage and DNA incorporation of the normal nucleoside, deoxycytidine, is functionally compartmentalized toward repair synthesis in a process regulated by ribonucleotide reductase. The aim of this study was to investigate the metabolic pathways by which nucleoside analogs that do (fludarabine, gemcitabine) or do not (ara-C) affect ribonucleotide reductase are incorporated into DNA in proliferating human leukemia cells. Using alkaline density-gradient centrifugation to separate repaired DNA from replicating DNA and unreplicated parental DNA strands, approximately 60% of ara-C nucleotide in DNA was incorporated by repair synthesis in CCRF-CEM cells; the remainder was incorporated by replication. In contrast, fludarabine and gemcitabine, nucleosides that inhibit ribonucleotide reductase and decreased deoxynucleotide pools, were incorporated mainly within replicating DNA. Hydroxyurea also depleted deoxynucleotide pools and increased the incorporation of ara-C into DNA by replicative synthesis. Stimulation of DNA repair activity by UV irradiation selectively enhanced the incorporation of all nucleosides tested through repair synthesis. These findings suggest that the pathways by which therapeutically useful nucleoside analogs are incorporated into DNA are affected by cellular dNTP pools from de novo synthesis and by the relative activities of DNA repair and replication. The antitumor activity of these drugs may be enhanced by combination with either ribonucleotide reductase inhibitors to increase their incorporation into replicating DNA or with agents that induce DNA damage and evoke the DNA repair process.