Hammondia hammondi gen.nov.,sp.nov. (Eimeriorina:Sarcocystidae) is described as an obligate heteroxenous protozoon of domestic cats (final host) and laboratory mice (experimental intermediate host). Oocysts from the final host are infectious only for the intermediate host; and cysts from the intermediate host are infectious only for the final host. Intracellular cysts develop principally in striated muscle of mice that ingest oocysts, with a few cysts in the brain and perhaps elsewhere. Cysts are without septa or radial spines; bradyzoites are slender, there is no evidence of metrocytes. Cysts are not infectious for mice. After the ingestion of cysts by cats, a multiplicative cycle precedes the development of gametocytes in the epithelium of the small intestine. Oocysts are shed unsporulated, sporogony is outside of the host, resulting in two sporocysts with four sporozoites each. Oocysts of the species average 11×13 μm. The prepatent period is 5 to 8 days, and oocyst shedding persists for 10 to 28 days followed by immunity. Cysts in skeletal muscle measured between 100 and 340 μm in length and 40 and 95 μm in width. Experimental intermediate hosts are laboratory mice, rats, hamsters, guinea pigs, Peromyscus and Mastomys. Some of the intermediate hosts develop low levels of antibody and some cross-immunity against Toxoplasma; however, this has not been observed in cats.