The distribution of enzymes in the epidermis of the domestic cat

Summary With the help of enzyme histochemical methods, the distribution and activities of several oxidative and hydrolytic enzymes in the epidermis of the densely-haired domestic cat have been studied. Distinct oxidative enzyme activity could be demonstrated in all epidermallayers except the stratum corneum. Among the hydrolytic enzymes investigated, strong reactions for non-specific esterases were visible especially in the str. granulosum and the basal lamellae of the str. corneum. Positive reactions for cholinesterases could not be observed in the cat epidermis. The results are discussed in relation to corresponding investigations on the epidermis of sparsely-haired mammals, e. g. the domestic pig and man. Generally the enzyme pattern of the cat epidermis only shows limited parallels to man, especially where esterase distribution is concerned.