Marituba (Bunyaviridae) virus replication in culturedAedes albopictus cells and in L-A9 cells

The replication of Marituba virus (Bunyavirus genus, family Bunyaviridae), was studied inAedes albopictus (mosquito) cells. Infection ofAedes albopictus cells with Marituba virus was characterized by an initial acute phase of infection in which large amounts of virus were produced and further by a persistent phase of infection in which virus yield was much lower. No changes in host cell DNA, RNA and protein synthesis were observed inAedes albopictus cells infected with Marituba virus. In contrast in L-A9 (mouse fibroblasts) cells this virus shut-off the host macromolecular synthesis. During the replication of MTB virus in L-A9 cells three virus-specific proteins (G1, G2 and N) were detected. InAedes albopictus cells, Marituba virus replicates slowly and two virus-specific proteins (G1 and N) accumulate in these cells.